Attending the Kapiolani Medical Center's Radiothon in early November 2023 was a fantastic way to end the year! It was our first time participating in the Radiothon, and we had a great time answering phone calls. The Radiothon aims to raise funds for women and children undergoing rehabilitation at the hospital. Whether it's newborns needing care in high-tech incubators before going home with their families, or children requiring strength training before playing with friends at school, Kapiolani Medical Center's children's rehabilitation center is dedicated to the well-being of these young ones.

We were thrilled to donate $10,000, and we were pleasantly surprised when callers and UHA Health matched our donations, bringing the total to $30,000! The Radiothon event raised a record-breaking amount of $820,130.23, and it's incredible that all of it is for nonprofit purposes. Every dollar raised stays within the Kapiolani Hospital corporation and is used to purchase equipment for the children and women at the hospital. Additionally, the funds will be used to expand the children's cancer department.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who joined us this year, and we are eagerly looking forward to the event in 2024!

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